Friday, August 08, 2008


Saturday 19 July – Friday 8 August
Blog 4

Staircase to the moon is a phenomenon that occurs at very low tide on the full moon where there are tidal flats. In Broome they can be quite spectacular; so along with hundreds of others we set up our chairs at Roebuck Bay and waited for the moon to rise. It was a perfect night and the staircase to the moon was beautiful.

We visited Willie Creek pearl farm. John and Rhonda went on the tour while Mike and I sat at the edge of the river and enjoyed the view. Mike took out his water colours and painted the scene.

That same day we continued up the coast enjoying being on the road and in the red dirt again. We stopped in at Barred Creek and walked down to the river noticing the different tracks of all the birds. Small tracks belonging to sea gulls, larger one belonging to Ibis and even bigger one that were made by the Jabiru that we saw taking off. It was quite spectacular.

We continued north to Quandong Point which is a beautiful white sand beach where we stopped for lunch. We saw a small pod of dolphins playing in the water just off the beach and just enjoyed the peace. There were other people there, some camping, fishing and some just there for a while like us. We continued north to James Price Point with is red cliffs, white sand and amazing blue waters.

On the way home we took the turn off to Coconut Well which Mike and I hadn’t seen to before. The beach is a continuum of the north end of Cable Beach and the sand is very soft but the same colour as Cable Beach.

Our next major event was Christmas in July in the caravan park. We spent the afternoon decorating the area and getting ready for dinner.

There were different groups at the dinner and each group organised their own meal with everyone in the group contributing something. Santa and Mrs Santa arrived on a beach buggy and there was lots of eating, drinking, laughter and dancing.

The next morning Cable Beach was immersed in fog and Mike got some fantastic photos of Cable Beach, Town Beach and the pier at the port.

The catholic convent in town was celebrating 100 years in Broome and there was an excellent exhibition of its history. We then went to the old goal and wandered around town.

Our last event for our time in Broome was an organised Olympics on Cable Beach with a torch relay, lighting of the cauldron which Mike had made, and events with medal ceremonies, wreaths and flowers. It was a fun afternoon and evening and every one really got into the spirit of the occasion.

The torch relay left Cable Beach Caravan Park at 3.30pm and made its way to the beach with the runners being cheered on by strangers.

Our Aussie flag was flying and a table was set up with the flowers, medals and wreaths. Frank had a loud speaker set up from his car and declared the games open. The events started quite quickly with the spot put being the first. There were lots of competitors and there was a great spirit on the beach.

Mike was the official photographer for the games including the events and the winners.

There was a walking relay, thong throwing, boat races, potato race and ribbon dancing. The kids had the best time and everyone enjoyed themselves. Once the sun had set we just sat back, relaxed, ate and drank and enjoyed the warmth of Mike’s roaring fire. It was a really great night.